Why do I blog?
Sometimes I wonder why I blog. There are so many bloggers on so many topics out there already…does the world really need another one? Probably not. But the fact is that I LOVE blogging! ) I love putting my photos and projects out there for people to see. Because I love looking at other people’s photos and projects too! I think I have become a blog addict! I am signed up to receive many different blogs, and reading them, to me, is like opening a good book and enjoying a few moments of inspiration and camaraderie.
What is a BLOG exactly? Here is one definition that I found:
“”Blog” is an abbreviated version of “weblog,” which is a term used to describe websites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other websites, usually presented as a list of entries in reverse chronological order.”
When I first started blogging I would read advice on how to run a successful blog. One of those pieces of advice was to always blog regularly and to publish at the same time and day every week. I tried doing that. I found it was not my thing. I want to write when I am inspired to, not because a date on the calendar tells me to. One of my all-time favorite bloggers is a lady in England who is a quilter. She blogs very irregularly…sometimes months go by and we don’t hear a word from her. But when one of her blog posts finally lands in my inbox, I get so excited! It’s like receiving a letter from a friend, even though we have never met. I will make myself a cup of tea ( seems appropriate somehow
), and then I will savor reading her post ( which is always filled with beautiful photos). As a blogger you are warned that if you don’t publish regularly, your readers will forget you and unsubscribe. I can tell you that I would rather wait months for one beautiful and inspiring blog post, than to receive one every week that just pushes products and really contains nothing to inspire me.
Another piece of advice I read was that you have to stay ON TOPIC. Someone actually said NOT to go on about your kids or other OFF topics because no one would care. When I started my blog I wanted to write about my quilting. As a quilter it is super difficult to have a new project to share every single time. Quilting is not a fast process and projects can take months or years to complete. It seems silly to rush through projects, or to start a gazillion new ones, just because you must have something to blog about. And although quilting is a huge passion obviously, for me my family always comes first.
So sometimes there will be blog posts about family outings or important milestones or just about things that are affecting my life. So yes, you are going to see pretty pictures of the quilts I am trying to work on, but you might also see pictures of home renovation projects, and beloved pets that touch my life. Those things are all part of me and my life, and I can’t compartmentalize them and keep them separated. Those things are ALL part of ME. And so I will write about all of it.
Some people get upset if a post is not all about quilting or quilting related somehow. Personally I love getting glimpses into bloggers’ personal lives now and again. ( I don’t want to know all the nitty-gritty, but it makes people more real somehow to know about their problems/issues/stresses/deadlines). Before you start thinking that someone complained to me about my posts, that is not the case at all! But I do have a large number of new subscribers ( thank you!) and I want to be honest with you about what to expect.
There are bloggers out there that are great about sharing their projects and products in pretty pictures and they can write about just that. That is just not me. When you come here, you are just as likely to see a photo of a nest of baby bunnies as you are to see some sweet fabric that I bought. Or maybe you will see a photo of one of our kids in their graduation outfit because I am a proud momma.