a blog about my quilting life...mostly

a blog about my quilting life...mostly

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Happy holiday greetings from Farmhouse Quilts!

 Hello and happy holidays to you!

Are you all ready for the holidays?  I still need to wrap and would like to do a little baking, but other than that I have no pressing matters. It certainly helps that I am not making handmade presents for all our kids anymore each Christmas! That seemed like a great idea at the time, but coming up with a brilliant idea AND executing it was often stressful. So no more. And you know, our kids never even mentioned it so I think they don't even realize I have stopped ;). 

So I have been working on some fun project just because...and not all of them quilting related!

In the summer I picked up an antique door. I planned on using it in my garden somewhere, but that plan never materialized, but then came up with a brilliant plan for it. Luckily I have a very clever, handy, and patient hubby, who is (mostly) always willing to listen to my ( sometimes crazy) ideas! You see, we had a stocking hanger that we bought years and years ago that really was getting very crowded with not only the stockings for our own family members, but also those of girlfriends. Not to mention the fact that it was hung by a wire, which meant that as soon as one stocking had something heavy in it, the entire thing would start being lop-sided! 

So, I suggested that we use the antique door as the base for a new stocking spot and here is the end result: 
( no worries, the last knob is now in use, after locating the missing stocking, which was at our son's apartment ;) )
This door is HEAVY and we had some fun hanging it, but I love it so much with its "antique-y" knobs ( found at Hobby Lobby) that I might just leave it up all year round and hang other seasonal items or small quilts from it, especially because the greenery at the top is removable. 

On a more quilt-related theme, I decided we needed another Christmas pillow so I pulled out my Christmassy quilt books and settled on this cute little reindeer designed by Gail Pan ( see her book here- click and please note this is an affiliate link-see my disclosure in the sidebar)
I have a sneaky suspicion he might not make it in time for this Christmas, but there is always next year ;).
I did finish the top for the tree quilt that I shared in my previous post. I wasn't quite sure how I was going to tackle all those different sized blocks ( 19 of them in total!) but just started sewing and piecing trees and filler pieces and I like how it turned out ( although it is quite a bit longer than I anticipated!) 
This one will not be done for this year's Christmas either, but the top looks pretty just hanging there so I am happy.

One final project that I WILL ( oh yes, you can all hold me accountable now!) finish in time for this year is this quilt that I started a few years back. It was a free pattern by Jedi Craft Girl ( you can find it here~click) and I adore the scrappiness of it! It is so close to being done. Just 2 more corners to go around with the binding, and then it can be a great cuddly quilt to throw over the sofa! 

Well, that is about all from the farmhouse. I will leave you with a few more Christmassy photos.....

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or just simply Happy Holidays! See you in 2023!


P.s. If you happened upon this blog and would like to receive it in your email inbox, please contact me and I will get you added!


  1. Your house looks like a Christmas movie. I love it!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Love how you used the door, and I would leave it up all year.... seasonal decor .....love all that you share and do for the group, you truly are an inspiration to all of us. I love Gail Pan and have this book on order. Enjoy the holidays, stay safe and I pray 2023 brings good health and much happiness and peace.

    1. Thank you Trena, that means a lot! Thank you for being such a wonderful supporter of everything I do ;)

  3. So beautiful Monique!!! Anyone who enters will feel all the love and coziness of the season. I love all the details and added touches. Merry Christmas to you and your family! ❤️ Candy

  4. Thank you for all your helpful and inspirational posts. Merry Christmas to you and your family and may you have a Happy and Blessed 2023!

  5. Love everything about hour home! Merry Christmas

  6. So many beautiful photos! I love the way you repurposed the door! It’s just perfect for the stockings and will be so awesome to showcase all your lovely creations. So very thankful for our Farmhouse Family.💙 Wishing you & your family a very Merry Christmas!

  7. Such lovely projects you have decorated for the season with!! I love the antique door display and would definitely leave it up all year to have fun hanging other special items throughout the season's. Thanks for sharing with us and a Very Merry Christmas to you and your family! See you next year❤

    1. Thanks, I am sure the door will make more appearances in the future :)

  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.

  9. Love the holiday decorations and great idea on the stocking hanger! I like all the different stockings - how fun! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!


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