a blog about my quilting life...mostly

a blog about my quilting life...mostly

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Hooray~ Inspired to create once more!

 Hello friends, 

After last post's whining about having to make , make and make ( see that post here )  I am happily sewing away in my room once again, inspired by the fast approaching Christmas season!

( This post contains affiliate links, please see my disclosure in the sidebar)

Why is it that Christmas seems so far away and then, BOOM, it has arrived?!  Luckily for me ~ the person that needs that chill in the air, and the smell of wood fires burning~ the weather couldn't be more cooperative: We had our first SNOW! And it wasn't just a little teeny bit, NO, this was a good dumping of at least 3 inches ( yes, yes, I'm sure those of you in the west are rolling on the floor with laughter right now, just as I would have when we still lived in Montana) and that is a really respectable amount for November in Central Pennsylvania! 

Anyway, snow on the ground, Christmas lights on the house, and already one tree up inside, all add up to the perfect holiday atmosphere and I have been enjoying sewing away on a few  different projects as a result:

I started this super sweet PLUS quilt last week. It is from the book Oh, Scrap by  Lissa Alexander and I adore EVERY single project in it! It was hard to decide which one to start with so the very first one in the book seemed like a good choice! 

You can find the book in this link( click).

The blocks were super easy to make and used a ton of scraps ( but sadly my scrap pile doesn't look any smaller~ why is that?) and I was busy sewing them together, until a different project caught my eye ( SIGH, having quilter's ADD is so tragic ;)  ). 

This newest  project was inspired by a video by Amy Smart ( aka Diary of a Quilter) and  involves sewing wonky trees and it has been so quick and easy and, most of all, FUN! 

Here is a link to Amy's video, in case you need to make some wonky trees too ( and let's face it, who doesn't?) 

Other than these 2 projects, I have to get  started on some tree ornaments for the exchange I'm hosting in my Facebook group ( click here  to join the group). I have hosted an ornament exchange for the past few years and it is always so much fun to come up with a cute idea for my partner, as well as to see what my partner has dreamed up for me. The Christmas tree I put up in my quilt room gets decked out in all those ornaments and it is fun to remember the person who made it. No pictures of my ornaments because it has to be a SURPRISE ...shhhhhh!

In the evenings I am continuing sewing on my hexies. I just love the sweet prints I'm finding in my stash and including in this little blanket ( yes, that I what I have decided it will be!). It is very relaxing to slow stitch on these and if you have never tried EPP, I highly recommend it! 

If you are interested in reading more about my process ( so easy!), check out this blog post ( click).

And finally, I want to share a project that finally got completed : 

This one started with a panel I found at my favorite re-use store, which I then cut apart and sewed back together, along with scrappy, wonky Log Cabin blocks.  I used my all-time favorite thread (click) and big -stitch- quilted all around the different sections, in a wide variety of colors, and finally added that black and white gingham border. I even added a hanging sleeve to the back! Never mind that this quilt is wider than any place it needs a sleeve to be hung, but that is besides the point....( #DUHHH) 

Alright, that is enough news from the farmhouse for now...please share with me what projects are putting you in the holiday spirit!

I'm off to sew some more trees...Falalalala....

Until next time ~ happy creating!


P.S. Are you enjoying my posts? Consider signing up to receive them via email every time I publish. Just go to the sign up in the sidebar at the top of the page or use the box below and send me an email and I will get you added!



  1. Replies
    1. Great blog, just love your quilt with the houses
      Your hexagons are so sweet
      My list grows every day after sewing your posts
      Thank you for all the wonderful ideas
      Happy Thanksgiving 🦃
      Cindy Kennedy 🥰

  2. Thanks for your post . How did your sale get together go . Enjoy your fb page

    1. The sale was okay. I sold 15 items there and then 1 more to a friend in my FB group. So I'm not sure it was worth all my time and effort and I will have to do some serious thinking whether I will do it again ;)

  3. I love your blogs. Always a delight to read. I also enjoy seeing all of your projects. Joyce

  4. Abhhh love your projects Monique. They make me smile. Keep inspiring us! Candy

    1. I'm happy to hear that Candy!

  5. I love your posts and had to giggle when you spoke of quilter's ADD. Yep, I have it too!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  6. Oops I entered my comment in your contact form, oops! Anyway I really enjoy seeing those WIP and that is so creative what you did with that panel - love it!


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