a blog about my quilting life...mostly

a blog about my quilting life...mostly

Saturday, February 4, 2023

February lovelies

 Hello friend, 

Can you believe February is here already? I always tell my school age child that the months after Christmas FLY by and before we know it it will be summer holidays, but he never believes me! 

Amazingly enough I made a lot of progress on many, many projects ( even though January was just 5 days long :D ). Would you like some show and tell? Grab a cup of coffee or tea and let's begin!

{my posts may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you purchase something through one of my links. This does not increase your cost in any way, but does support Farmhouse Quilts and I thank you for that}

First of all I am happy to report that my little blue tulip quilt top is complete and currently waiting on some batting, backing, and basting! I am thrilled at how the flying geese surround the tulips and can't wait to display this one. It was a bit of a nail biter finding out if I had enough of that dark blue dotty fabric because it was all I had, but everything worked out in the end ( I did have to put a few little cheater pieces in on those 2 side borders, but SHHHHH, don't tell anyone!)   

I haven't quite decided how I'm going to quilt it~by hand or by machine~ but will at least  "anchor" all my blocks down by machine and then I will decide how to proceed. It would be fun to do a big quilt stitch around all the tulips circles, but I do not want to even begin on those flying geese! Luckily I can mix and match techniques to hopefully bring out the best features of the quilt.

I finished the little reindeer embroidery that I started too late last year, but it can definitely be made into a little pillow before Christmas of 2023~ha!  

In the evenings I love to sit and do some slow stitching and my hexie quilt is slowly getting bigger and bigger.

I find it very relaxing to sit and baste hexies, and then to sew them together into rosettes, which then get added to my quilt. top.

Don't you think this would make an adorable baby quilt for a little baby girl? Me too, so in my mind this one is for my first granddaughter~no pressure at all kids~Hahaha!

As I have been cleaning and organizing my quilt room, I have been pulling out projects to finish up. I had 2 quilts all basted and ready for quilting, so last week I pulled this one out and am using a big stitch and my favorite Sulky threads( click) to add some fun stitching! 

This quilt is from a sewalong I hosted in my FB group last Fall, and I figured I should finally get to it. It is loosely based on the Tessie quilt which you have probably seen floating around the internet, and I loved it so much I wanted to make my very own version. The little birdies were not in the original, but I think they add such a fun little touch so I added them into mine.

As you know, I love my Accuquilt, and with my Sunbonnet Sue die was able to make this quilt in just 3 days, start to finish:
This one is already on its way overseas to a favorite aunt who just moved into a new assisted living home. I hope it will add some additional joy and comfort in her new surroundings!

The sewalong scarf project is wrapping up this week and it has been a fun project! I totally ignored the original instructions and basically started from scratch with measurements that made more sense for those of us working in inches, but I think the final result will have the same feel as the original project! There are going to be a whole bunch of very fashionable ladies with fabulous scarves out and about this Spring! Did you sew a version? Please send me an email photo if you did, or share in the FB group. I would love to see all the different versions! I modeled mine in the mirror and do you know how hard it is to take a photo in a mirror?! 

And  finally I want to share some fabric postcards that I made as part of a postcard exchange I hosted in the Facebook group ( yes, we have been VERY busy doing exchanges and challenges!). These were so fun to make, and such a quick project, that I highly recommend you make one if you have never tried it!

Phew, I do believe that is all for this post, but I have been asked to figure out some guidance for this quilt that I shared a pic of a few days ago....

....and I will be participating in a sewalong hosted by Accuquilt and AQS to make this beauty: 

So as you can see I have plenty of projects to keep me out of trouble for the next little while  ;).

If you would like to join my FB group so you don't miss out on all the exchanges, challenges, and giveaways, go to this link and answer the questions: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1790902080964624. I manually approve people so it might take a little bit of time, but do read the rules and agree to them. I try very hard to keep a friendly and supportive environment and so far I have succeeded.

And if you happened upon this blog post by accident but would like to receive it in your inbox, just send me an email through the CONTACT ME link on this page and I will get you added!  That way you don't have to come search for my posts but they will just appear in your inbox whenever I write a new one ( and I NEVER sell or give out your email!)

Until next time~happy creating!


  1. As always I am just amazed by all you are able to accomplish in such little time Monique. Thank you for sharing such wonderful and inspirational ideas with us. Even though I can't join in on all of them I love joining in with my eyes!!

    1. Thanks Jean, I know that you are super busy with all kinds of projects yourself, but I sure appreciate your encouragement and contributions in our group!

  2. You’re such an inspiration Monique! I’m excited to get started on my scarf and I do want to make the little love quilt. Your scarf and other projects are so cute. ❤️

    1. Thanks Candy. You saw the instructions I posted in the FB group for the LOVE quilt, so hopefully that will give you enough guidance to make one. I am enjoying making mine :)

  3. I enjoy your blogs, they are so much fun to read and see what you have accomplished. I have saved the instructions for the scarf, might make a few later this year for Christmas gifts. I enjoyed the postcard exchange....might make some of those for birthdays and Christmas. Love your fb group, everyone is always so helpful and seems like everyone has a wonderful sense of humor. Keep up all the fun things.

    1. Aww, thanks Trena! And I think making fabric postcards for special occasions would be so much fun AND something a little different ( and hey, it pretty much has to be cheaper than BUYING a card these days!)

  4. I really love the blue and white tulip quilt. Oh, heck! I love everything you make!

  5. Thanks Ceecee, you know I feel the same about your projects ;)

  6. You continue to amaze & inspire me with all your beautiful quilts and embroidery! Thank you for all the work you do for our “Farmhouse Family” 💙

    1. Thank you, Tamma, I do appreciate your comment! xx

  7. The blue tulip quilt is amazing!
    I do love making hexies and I just have to accept it is a slow to finish project - they are such portable handwork!
    Congratulations on organizing your crafting space and discovering those stashed away projects! I am trying to finish up projects this year too.

    1. Thanks, Tierney, I am glad to have that tulip quilt almost finished. I do love it very much!


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