a blog about my quilting life...mostly

a blog about my quilting life...mostly

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Leaves, logs, and snail trails...

 Hello friends, 

How has your summer been? I hope it has been relaxing and filled with sunshiny weather and some fun sewing projects!

I have been sewing lots, but yet I feel like I have nothing much to show for it. Does that happen to you?

Well, let's get down to some of the projects I have been working on, shall we?

I will start off with the Quilted Scarecrow sewalong, designed by Lori Holt, and hosted by Fat Quarter Shop. 

Here he is, in all his glory:

He is so darn cute, isn't he? In real life the colors are brighter, but it has been so dark and rainy here this past week, that I needed all overhead lights on to snap this photo and that washed him out a bit :). 

The Quilted Scarecrow is a year-long sewalong, so if you want to make him, you can easily catch up! Here is a link to the details: CLICK. All we have been making these past months is leaves, and next month is the BIGGEST leaf collection yet, so you have time :). Here are my leaves so far:

Aren't they pretty? I love leaves when they are not dull and brown, but colorful and happy instead!
If you are here to read some tips and hints for this month's leaves, here they are. Not very many this time around because these leaves were pretty simple to construct:
  • to cut the 3.5" squares, just unfold your fabric at one corner and cut what is needed.
  • to see the markings on your ruler more easily when cutting dark or busy fabrics, turn your fabric right side down.
  • you only need 13 stem units, not 15, so just cut what you will actually need.
  • if you are using the kit, it is super helpful to write the number as well as the name on each fabric piece, because there are several with the same name. I wish I had done this at the start, but I'm adding them as I'm working on the project.
  • unless you are a perfect cutter, piecer, and presser, your pieces are likely to be a little wonky. Just trim each unit as close to the desired size as possible and everything will be fine!

Can you tell some of mine are wonky?

Other than leaf sewing, I have been making logs and trails as well....

I finally caved and bought the Accuquilt Log Cabin die..
You might think ( as I did), why buy a die for cutting straight strips? Well, let me tell you, cutting the strips was so easy...and fast...and fun! I had all those pieces cut in no time flat, and they were all PERFECT. I truly enjoyed every....single....second of the making of this quilt top!

This beauty is now patiently awaiting layering and quilting....
Another die I played with was the Snail's Trail die. Now I have to tell you honestly that I had never been a huge fan of the Snail's Trail block...

...but then I saw a scappy Snail's Trail and that quilt was GORGEOUS! So I bought the die and proceeded to make my own scrappy version!

Unfortunately, the snail pattern got a little lost in all the busyness of the scrappy fabrics, so I am planning a new design with a little more controlled colors. But in the meanwhile these blocks will still be super fun to look at ;) 

 Again, the components for these blocks were cut so fast and easily, and that is really the huge negative for owning these Accuquilt products~ I produce quilt tops so quickly that I can't keep up with the quilting! Ha! I am of course kidding~ I just love how easily and quickly I can make my quilts!

If you would like to check out either of these dies, you can click here( click), or here ( click). And if you are wondering if Accuquilt might be for you, or you are already a fan, I have a Facebook group dedicated to all things Accuquilt that you can ask to join by clicking here: Made with Accuquilt~a friendly support group( click).

Please know that I use affiliate links in my posts, and if you choose to buy something through one of my links I will receive a small commission. This does not affect your cost in any way. Also, please know that I will never promote anything that I am not 100% a fan of. If I'm sharing it, it means that I love it and think you will too!

Alright, I think that is enough sharing for one post I think. I will be back soon with more projects and hints for the sewalong.
If you happened upon my blog post by chance, thanks for reading! And if you are a long-time subscriber, thank you for your loyalty!

Until next time~happy creating!

(p.s: want to make sure you receive a notice via email every time I publish? Just send me a note and I will add you to my mailing list! I promise that the only person who sees that list is me and your information will never be shared ( I don't like to be on all those SPAM email lists either!)


  1. Monique I love all your projects! You are such an inspiration to all of us. Happy quilting! Candy

  2. Love all your projects, colors are so vibrant....

  3. I love the log cabins and also the snail trails. What a fun game it would be on the snail trail one to see who could spot the most items, like an I Spy quilt. Kids would love it and adults, too. The leaves intrigue me. I would want to just do the leaves.

    1. Yes, it does look like an I Spy sort of thing, doesn't it?

  4. Replies
    1. slowly, but surely! Just one more pile of leaves and then we move on to the scarecrow ;)


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